Monday, October 26, 2015

Stuffed Acorn Squash

Stuffed Acorn Squash 

Let's just say with restrictions YOU GET BORED of eating the same thing over and over and over. WELL, not tomorrow. I made my lunch for tomorrow after dinner tonight and it was hard not to eat it. 

Acorn squash baked with guts removed and then mixed with a chopped Fuji Apple, kale, cinnamon and honey. 

Smells like fall up in this bitch!

Monday, September 28, 2015

White Chicken Chili

Yummy for your tummy on these cool fall days. WHITE CHICKEN CHILI

30 oz organic veg broth, 1lb organic chicken, 2 15oz cans cannellini beans, 15 oz organic corn, 1 organic onion sliced thin, chopped organic green onions, organic cayenne/cumin/coriander/oregano/white pepper/sea salt (to taste).  

Crockpot low for 4-6 hrs. 

Topped with organic blue corn chips and organic cilantro.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Organic Bone Broth

Beef Bone Broth ... so many health benefits. You can make this with beef or chicken. 

Crock Pot: 
2 lbs organic grass fed beef bones
1/4 cup organic Bragg ACV
Filtered H2O (enough fill crock pot 3/4)

Cook on low for 14 hrs.

When time's done...strain bones from broth, throw out the bones, fill mason jars with bone broth. 

You can store in the fridge for one week or freeze for 6 month (not in glass jars...use cube trays or freezer storage containers). 

Broth will become jelly consistency once cooled. There will be a layer of fat on the top as well (see pic). 

IF you are not on a clear diet you can add to the crock pot 11 hrs after start of cooking the following:

Bunch of Parsley
1 large organic onion chopped
2 garlic cloves whole
2 carrots chopped
3 celery sticks chopped 
Sea salt, pepper and herbs to taste 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Cod fish taco with mango "salsa" and avocado cream sauce


Okay. So this was a first but definitely not a last. Wicked yummy! 

Baking the Cod fish: preheat the oven to 375, grease baking sheet with oil so fish won't stick (I used coconut oil), place the wild caught Atlantic cod in 1-2 inch thick pieces on baking sheet, coat with oil and seasoning (I used coconut oil, black pepper and turmeric), bake for 20 mins or until internal temp is 135. When done, remove from oven, let cool, cut into chunks. 

For the Mango Peach "Salsa": I say salsa like that because it's not really salsa. Chopped into tiny pieces one organic medium peach, 1/2 organic mango, 1/4 cup fresh organic cilantro, 1/4 cup organic onion (any kind). Mix together and BAMMMM salsa. 

For the Avocado Cream Sauce: peel and remove nut from one large avocado, chop 1/4 cup fresh organic cilantro, 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt (I used chobani), 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 water (I used essentia alkalized water). Place in your blender and blend until creamy (about 15-20 seconds). 

Slap all this together in a tortilla of your choice and voila .... FISH TACO. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Endo, IC, IBS struggles

Today's baby belly brought to you by yours truly. Now if only there was really a baby in there. 

The never ending struggles of Endo, IC and IBS. Guess which one? 

Today will be "what caused the flare day" mashed up with "undying love for a heating pad" followed up with some "why can't I just go home and rest"... 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Organic Apple Sausage with Cabbage Skillet

Supper of champions....

Organic apple chicken sausage, organic cabbage sautéed with red onions, organic garlic cloves, black pepper with avocado.

Breakfast for Lunch...

Breakfast for lunch...some days that's what I need.

Gluten free organic oats, organic fresh Georgia peach, cinnamon, raw organic honey, organic brown raisins, raw pumpkin seeds, walnuts, organic chia seeds. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Cedar plank sockeye salmon, asparagus and basmati

Lunch today: cedar plank salmon with turmeric, black pepper, pink Himalayan salt, terragon, coconut oil. 
Sautéed asparagus with EVOO, organic garlic cloves, and black pepper. 
Basmati rice plain. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Brown Rice/Quinoa blend with chickpeas, avocado and cauliflower

Lunchtime: organic brown rice/quinoa blend, organic chickpeas, organic cauliflower, avocado. Yummmmmm.

Smoothie of the

Smoothie of the day:  organic banana, blueberries, fresh spinach from my garden, bartlett pear, almond milk and Essentia water. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Smoothie of the day ... whatever day it is

Smoothie of the day: organic banana, kale fresh from my garden, peaches, bartlett pear with almond milk and Essentia water (need to get that pH alkaline for IC). 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Stuffed sweet potato

Tomorrow's lunch made today. Because food planning is MY LIFE. 

Oven baked organic sweet potato, organic steamed broccoli, organic chickpeas, feta cheese...adding avocado tomorrow so it doesn't go mushy.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Endo Pancakes

My happy place has been entered. 
My husband made me gluten free, soy free, wheat free pancakes with blueberries, banana, cinnamon and crunched walnuts. 
I have not had pancakes in 6 months. I've been dying for this moment.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Endo/IC smoothie of the day

Endo/IC smoothie: organic banana, organic fresh parsley, organic fresh cilantro, bartlett pear, strawberries, organic golden delicious apple and almond milk. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

ENDO/IC friendly lunch

My lunch today was amaze-balls. Endo and IC friendly of course. 
Organic quinoa pasta, organic baby bell mushrooms, organic brussel sprouts, organic asparagus, organic garlic chopped, black pepper, organic chicken tenderloins. 

ENDO/IC smoothie of the day

ENDO/IC smoothie: bartlett pear, blueberries, raspberries, parsley, cilantro, kale and coconut water. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Endo chicken stir fry with avocados

Organic chicken tenderloins with black pepper and pink Himalayan salt, avocado, green and yellow squash, red and orange bell peppers, baby bell mushrooms (all organic). 

IC blueberry banana smoothie

IC smoothie ; blueberries, banana, pear, coconut water.

Blueberry oatmeal

Organic gluten free oats, organic blueberries, raw pumpkin seeds, raw organic honey, organic raisins.

Quinoa pasta, squash, avocado and tuna

Quinoa pasta, avocado, organic butternut squash, organic peas, tuna, feta and parmesan cheese.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Another week in the life of Endo....wait, it's only TURSDAY??? Ughhhhh

So went to my first Endo specialist appt today. After almost 2 hrs of talking and 10 minutes of extremely painful prodding (violation of section 1) ...  MD says I have interstitial cystitis and pelvic floor dysfunction which is worse than the endo and the root of the pain not the endo. (Endo is just a little bit of it now). I need to go to Vienna every other week for pelvic floor therapy and bladder instillation therapy every week. Something that numbs my bladder). That's almost 2 hrs from my home). Got a bunch on new "herbally" MEDS for that. New diet for IC. Acupuncture later after therapy started. MD says to get the sigmoidoscopy (that was yesterday's GI fun let me tell YA) because it can see rectal endo and if I do have that I will have to get a resection and colostomy because no surgery can fix that. Or I can leave it alone and risk perforation or BO )bowel obstruction). Pray it's not bowel related Endo pleasssssseeeee. Need to take probiotics for 15 days. As for the fatigue...I need to resolve inflammation throughout my body and I'll start to feel better. That's what the diet change and pelvic therapy will do. No surgery just yet (best news ever). I get to see a nutritionist which is covered by insurance. YAYYYYYY. I was denied that request by my family MD so all I'm saying is keep pushing for it ladies. 
MD was amazing. Made my day. Answered almost 90% my questions before I asked and I had 6 pages of QUESTIONS! She was exceptionally knowledgable in her specialty. 

Went to GI MD yesterday due to referral from my MD for rectal pain. I've been having it for 9 months now. They did an internal exam which I like to call violation of section 2 ... talk about awful. No hemorrhoids, but wants to do a flex sigmoidoscopy to check for fissure (not likely but has to check). Hope the hell not!  Anyhow, that's exciting news for the Endo specialist because they can see rectal Endo that way, but again HOPE THE HELL NOT because then I have to get a bowel resection and colostomy OR can leave it be and risk perforation or BO (as stated above). Lord please be negative as well. She was kind enough to diagnose me with IBS...YAYYYYYY. more diagnoses.  Just what I need. Ughhhh

Friday's Family MD appt I had more labs drawn AGAIN due to major fatigue. Thyroid level and D level were perfect as suspected. Dr is testing me for Lupus, RA, Arthritis and says she's pretty sure I have Raynaud's (my fingers turn a lovely shade of blue when I'm cold)...Labs to be done this week. (CRP, ANA, Rh factor, ESR) ... Praying for negative/perfect results on that too. 

I just can't wait to start to feel better. I can't say enough how OVER I am of this feeling crappy. Im not used to this and I'm not loving it.

PRAYING on the daily! 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Veggie Hodgepodge

My veggie hodgepodge lunch. 

Organic chicken (1.5 tenderloins). Red, orange and yellow organic bell peppers, avocado, organic green and yellow squash, organic baby bella mushrooms, black pepper to season. 

A day in the life of Endo

You hurt ... All over, not just in your belly. 

You cry ... Because you hurt all over and can't help yourself. 

You struggle ... Not to cry because you have to keep going through the motions of the day. 

You're tired ... From holding all your pain, tears and emotions in just to save face all day. 

You crash ... At the end of the day. Not someone else's end of day, but yours which is early .... Because you just can't do it anymore. 

You contemplate ... What can you do differently to not have this day again tomorrow? 

You pray ... Oh mighty lord PLEASE make me feel great tomorrow. For just one day I'd like to feel like the "old" me that I thought felt bad then, but have now realized was no feeling like this. 

Sleep ... Mostly great if you can stay asleep and not wake up with pain, discomfort, urges to pee, etc. 

Start the new day ... Same shit, different day. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Quinoa pasta, tuna, peas and beans

Lunch ... Quinoa pasta, peas, tuna, cannelloni beans, feta. 

Endo Oatmeal

No smoothie for breakfast today. Just wasn't feeling it. 

Organic gluten free oats, chia, banana, raw pumpkin seeds, walnuts, raw organic unfiltered honey. AMEN to breakfast.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Smoothie A Day Keeps The Endo At Bay DAY 16

"A Smoothie A Day Keeps The Endo At Bay"

Peaches, golden delicious apple, banana, strawberry, coconut water. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

A Smoothie A Day Keeps The Endo At Bay DAY 15

"A Smoothie A Day Keeps The Endo At Bay"

Banana, blackberries, raspberries, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, hemp milk. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Chocolate Bark Snack

One of my fav treats. I'm pretty sure it's endo friendly even though chocolate is a no no. 

Verdict is out on the soy lecithin in it too.

A Smoothie A Day Keeps The Endo At Bay DAY 13

"A Smoothie A Day Keeps The Endo At Bay" 

Banana, red delicious apple, mango, cantaloupe and coconut milk.