Friday, June 28, 2013

Do we love yoga? Yes...I think we do

   Beneficial Yoga Poses: 

What's your favorite cuisine?

Thai food is my number 1. I would probably enjoy it more if it was real Thai food ... Not US Thai food. BUT, it's sooo yummmmm.  
          Seaweed Salad 

                Pad Thai with Chicken

                  Tom Yum Soup

There's so many benefits to eating Thai food. 

Thai cuisine is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. 

The cuisines include fresh herbs and spices in the cooking that are beneficial to health, such as:
1. Galangal
2. Turmeric
3. Coriander
4. Lemongrass
5. Fresh chillies
6. Coconut milk 


30 Day Blog Challenge...Day 24...5 pics of guys who are famous that you find attractive

            Paul Walker

          Channing Tatum

            Mark Wahlberg

                   Ryan Reynolds

        Andrew Stetson

My top 5 guys. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day have you changed in the past 2 years

This blog selection almost goes hand in hand with day 18 (highs and lows of the past year). 

Learned to not take things in life so seriously. I would usually get so upset and hurt by the smallest of things. 

I am able to talk myself out of anxiety attacks via self talk. I spent countless years in the ER wasting money on false diagnoses, in/out of therapy, med after med and years of my life wasted on worry that wasn't real. This is probably my biggest change. 

Saying NO when needed. I'm a giver by nature and one day I woke up thinking "when do you give to yourself?" Some people have really abused this privilege I have given. It was my time to take some of it back. 

Becoming stronger physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Without which, I may never "grow" as an individual. 

Self reflection!  I've learned so much about myself and who I want to be through analyzing where I am and how I got here. (If that makes sense). 

My bond with my bio mother has gotten stronger even though we are MILES apart. This is big to me because I was adopted at the age 3, never met mom until I was 17 (after many horrific stories) and we have had bumps. I think we both realize how alike we are and how much we need/love one another. 

My mommy skills to my teenager have heightened incredibly, but I'm trying to be better about teaching respect, independence, love, self worth and life lessons. I'm learning to "let go" little by little. 

I've learned not to take my job for granted. I have one! I screwed up a job I loved deeply about 2-3 years ago and I kick myself in the rear end now, but I give my 1,000% to my current job and I have earned respect and trust of my employer, clients and colleagues. 

I guess none if this would be they big of a "change" the some, but if you knew me...well, you'd see. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day of your favorite TV shows

Since I only get to pick one...I will go with Masterchef. 
Check out the link I'm attaching for a show synopsis. 

I pretty much luv all Gordon Ramsey's shows! He's a jerk, but amazing all in one ball. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day important is education?

1. Important component for life. 

2. Its a basis for success in your future. 

3. Improves your quality of life. 

4. Makes you feel like you have self worth. 

5. Gives you something to be proud of. 

6. Able to provide due to being able to get a better career. 

7. Learning new things is a reward. 

8. Its something that can't be stolen from you. 

9. You respect yourself and others will respect you in return. 

10. Success success success. . . . . . . . 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Do you have 20 minutes?

Exercise for 20 minutes. 

What's the one thing you are obsessed with?

Me...I love looking up new healthy recipes (even though I don't try them all) to get a better idea of new things to try that may spark a healthier meal. 


Here's a few of my favs of hers. But please, check her blog page out. 

This is just a couple of them. She's got so much on her site. Here's an idea if topics she blogs about:

30 Day Blog Post...Day best physical feature

I'd have to say my eyes are my best physical feature. They are an amazing blue/gray depending on the day! 

These eyes have been through surgeries, glasses and so much more. I have seen soooooo many things. I have so much more to see. 

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day 19...10 favorite foods

FINALLY...a blog post I am head over heals to share! 

1. Blood orange chobani

2. Seaweed (dried roasted and salad) 

3. Talapia

4. Salmon (never thought I'd ever say this) 

5. Scallops

6. Hard boiled eggs

7. Oatmeal 

8. Fruit (any kind) 

9. Veggies (pretty much all of them)

10. Cookies (yup, big fat cookies) 

I like so much more but these are truly my favorites. 

Just to sneak an extra in...I love Thai food! 

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day 18...highs and lows of the past year

The past year has been full of ups and downs. 

Work has been a challenge physically, emotionally and mentally. I work with kids aged 8-22 in a residential treatment facility with psychiatric illness and intellectual disabilities. Challenge to watch/work and a trigger of some past for me.  

I completed my first Tough Mudder. This was a great mental challenge as well as physical. Beyond limits I even knew I had. I have superb teammates...some extraordinary people. 

Dealing with the highs and lows of an adult child with schizophrenia ... That's all I can say about this issue. 

I've learned a lot about what I want in my life and what I don't. Where I'm heading and why I've stalled. So much about me. 

I've started holistic therapy which incorporates art and meditation which is something I have never tried that had allowed me to learn about myself, feeling, stresses, life and how to relax and handle things in a healthy way. 

I've made new friends and gotten rid of toxic ones. 

I'm sure there's been more in the past year but its truly been interesting with new things. Everyone's life is different. I hope to make the next year far more interesting. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Toning 1, 2, 3 is one of my favorite places to get exercises and recipes. 

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day 16...what's in your fridge


I never stay up late but I have a yard sale tomorrow, so I'm awake to make sure I squeeze in my one blog for the day. I will not get out of bed to take a pic ... Sorry. 

I have leftover food, eggs, 1%milk, lots of chobani, fruits, veggies, silk soy milk, gallons of water, 2 big containers of cut up watermelon, chicken to cook tomorrow and condiments in the door. Not much else. Buying fresh foods requires I shop more and have an empty fridge more as well. 
How bout a recipe to make it all seem better than it really is! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day 15...What's in your handbag

1. case it rains

2. Sunscreen and face cream case summer ever comes

3. Wallet...empty of course! (jk)

4. Watch...for work, gotta check those pulses

5. iPod and headphones...need my tunes

6. Ibuprofen 

7. Tylenol

8. Tissues

9. Placker flossers

10. Brush 

12. Comb

13. Nail clippers

14. eyes are sensitive to light

15. Planner

16. Pen

17. Gum

18. Tampons

19. Dentek flossers...for my daughters braces

25 Things not helping you lose weight

1. Skipping breakfast 
2. Not enough sleep
3. Your partner doesn't eat healthy 
4. No portion control
5. Overeating healthy foods
6. Not eating enough fruits/veggies
7. Not drinking water or enough water
8. Walking your dog isn't enough exercise
9. Eating too much low fat foods
10. Eating while walking around or standing up
12. Wearing clothes that are too big
13. Not eating enough
14. Always eating out
15. Drinking soda
16. Too many condiments/toppings
17. Only doing cardio exercise
18. Leaving out entire food groups
19. Not keeping a food journal
20. You're on a diet and don't stick to it
21. Eating while distracted
22. Exercising on an empty stomach
23. You never indulge
24. Eating the wrong ore/post workout foods
25. Not cutting your food up

Some if these may seem crazy, but put some thought into it.  I do a lot if these things, even though I'm not overweight, they probably don't help my fitness level. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day 14...somewhere you'd like to move or visit

I really have soooooo many as I'd love to travel, but I picked one that seemed "within reach".

    Watkins Glen, NY

This is beautiful! Just looks so peaceful and relaxing. I love the idea of nature. Beaches are my fav, but I love this just as much. 

Might have to check this out in August when I'm closer to here. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Spark People is on of my favorite health sites. Try this strength training routine IF you watch TV. 

My user name is working4it4ever. Enjoy the's the best!  

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day 13...What do you collect?

Hmmmmmmm.  I don't have anything I really collect. 

I guess...I have been journaling for years off and on so I collect those journals and read them later...which can be entertaining in some aspects. 

What do you collect? 

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day 12...Put your iPod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up

I love music for every moment of my life. All genres are amazing. I'm not big on country (unless its from the 90s) or scream music. 

What are your favorites? 

Here are my 10 shuffled songs:

1. Aaron Shust "My hope is in you"
2. Ciara "Get up"
3. Eddie Vedder "Long nights"
4. Pearl Jam "Yellow Ledbetter" 
5. Puddle of Mudd "Psycho"
6. Colbie Caillet "I never told you"
7. Nelly Furtado "Maneater"
8. Sidewalk Prophets "You love me anyways"
9. Pearl Jam "Nottingham" 
10. Rob Thomas "This is how a heart breaks" 

This was a fun blog post. Everyone should try this. 

You could say I love music I guess. I have 674 songs from 305 different artists. 

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day 11...discuss your first love and your first kiss fist kiss was at 15 yrs old at a party at my best friends house. His name was Jeff. He was 17 and one of my bff brothers friends. I hated him every other time of life but for some reason we connected at this party. It was weird! Guess that would be because I was 15 and had no idea wth I was doing or why. 

My first love was my husband. I was 18 and he was 23.  I thought he walked on water and could never do wrong. Im not sure if love is blind or just meant to be, but it is what it is! We have been together for 14 1/2 years. Been through trials and tribulations. We have had great times and learned so much together and about each other. He's still my best friend today. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Summer Bucket List

Summer happens to be my all time favorite time of the year. Although, I am starting to get the feeling we may not have one this year. The weather has been extremely if we are a month or so behind?

Anyhow, this year I am creating a Summer Bucket List of the things I'd like to do, have to do, want to do. Keep in mind that I have a 13 year old daughter who will consume most of my time this summer, so most things will be "daughter friendly". Not that I'm sad about that because I love to hang out with her as much as I can.

My bucket list includes the following, but is not limited to:

1. Go to NH for 2 weeks for vacation/family time (all my family is in NH).

2. Beach time...not just 1 beach, I'm going to shoot for 2-3 beaches.

3. Water Country (this is my fav summertime amusement park).

4. Hiking

5. Mountain Biking

6. Swimming

7. DC Zoo with friends and kids.

8. Natural Bridge (beautiful place, google it).

9. Yard Sales (hosted by me and not by me...I love a bargain).

10.  Bowling

11. Ice Cream...LOTS of ice cream.

12. Picnics in the park

13. Roller Skating

14. Camping

15. Cookouts ... roasted marshmallows!

16. Harper's Ferry

17. Tubing on the Shenandoah River

18. Fishing ... on the boat and off the boat.

19. Sleep in

20. Caverns

21. Museum of the Shenandoah Valley

22. A day in Boston exploring (the rest of the things I missed 2 summers ago).

23. Sun bathing

24. Go to the movies (Grown Ups 2 is out next month...YAY).

25. Horseshoes

26. Gardening

27. Spend as much time outdoors as possible...nuff said here.

28. Prepare my daughter for her last year of middle school.

29. Do another Tough Mudder.

30. Run some races...5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon.

30 Day Blog Challenge...Day I hope my future will be like

How I hope my future will look..........

I HOPE to own 2 of my own houses...1 where I live (cannot disclose) and 1 in NH where I grew up and all my family is, but preferably on/near the beach. 

I hope my daughter goes to college when she graduates from HS in 2018. 

I hope to have my masters degree in science (nursing) and a spectacular job working in nutritional nursing. 

I hope to be a personal trainer and dietician...teaching people and myself how to live healthier lives. 

I want to travel all over the US first and then to foreign land. 

I want to be happy, smarter, debt free and stress free (I know, I'm laughing too). 


What is Neem? 

An evergreen tree that is part of the mahogany family and is a common feature of the drier regions of India, Southeast Asia and parts of Africa. 

Neem bark, leaves, fruit, seeds and oils all contain medicinal qualities. It's highly treasured in India and is used mainly for many skin issues and daily skin care. 

Healing benefits: kills bacteria on skin naturally to facilitate wound healing. Neem has the following healing elements. 

1. Antiviral
3. Antibacterial 
4. Analgesic
5. Anti inflammatory 
6. Antimicrobial 

Also contains natural insect repellent substances and natural antihistamines. 
Neem is effective for: 

1. Dandruff
2. Acne
3. Psoriasis
4. Eczema
5. Lice
6. Boils
7. Nail fungus
8. Athletes foot
9. Warts
10. Cold sores
11. Itchy skin
12. Restoring skin elasticity 

Neem can also be used in your garden and won't hurt the essential insects to the garden. Also, good for pets as in helping control fleas, ticks and mites. 

Forms found: 

1. Oil
2. Toothpaste
3. Mouthwash 
4. Soap
5. Powder
6. Medicine
7. Incense sticks
8. Shampoo
9. Tea
10. Insect repellant

There are many more firms as well. 
Side Effects: FYI...even natural products have side effects. You should of course consult your physician prior to the use of any natural or non-natural products you use for the potential of the side effects. 

1. Loose stools
2. Vomiting
3. Acidic blood
4. Increased WBC's 
5. Loss of consciousness 
6. Drowsiness
7. Anemia
8. Seizures
9. Brain swelling
10. Kidney/liver damage
11. Jaundice
12. Destruction of RBC's
13. Allergic/anaphylaxis reaction
14. Coma
15. Death