Friday, June 14, 2013

Summer Bucket List

Summer happens to be my all time favorite time of the year. Although, I am starting to get the feeling we may not have one this year. The weather has been extremely if we are a month or so behind?

Anyhow, this year I am creating a Summer Bucket List of the things I'd like to do, have to do, want to do. Keep in mind that I have a 13 year old daughter who will consume most of my time this summer, so most things will be "daughter friendly". Not that I'm sad about that because I love to hang out with her as much as I can.

My bucket list includes the following, but is not limited to:

1. Go to NH for 2 weeks for vacation/family time (all my family is in NH).

2. Beach time...not just 1 beach, I'm going to shoot for 2-3 beaches.

3. Water Country (this is my fav summertime amusement park).

4. Hiking

5. Mountain Biking

6. Swimming

7. DC Zoo with friends and kids.

8. Natural Bridge (beautiful place, google it).

9. Yard Sales (hosted by me and not by me...I love a bargain).

10.  Bowling

11. Ice Cream...LOTS of ice cream.

12. Picnics in the park

13. Roller Skating

14. Camping

15. Cookouts ... roasted marshmallows!

16. Harper's Ferry

17. Tubing on the Shenandoah River

18. Fishing ... on the boat and off the boat.

19. Sleep in

20. Caverns

21. Museum of the Shenandoah Valley

22. A day in Boston exploring (the rest of the things I missed 2 summers ago).

23. Sun bathing

24. Go to the movies (Grown Ups 2 is out next month...YAY).

25. Horseshoes

26. Gardening

27. Spend as much time outdoors as possible...nuff said here.

28. Prepare my daughter for her last year of middle school.

29. Do another Tough Mudder.

30. Run some races...5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon.

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